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PC News March 2019

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VOLUME XLIII NO 3 Annual Art Show and Raffle Special Events March 1 19 March 14 28 Folk Music Concert 7 30 p m Pavilion Coffee Program 9 30 a m Pavilion March 3 17 March 15 Movie Night 7 p m Pavilion Cinema Club 7 30 p m Pavilion March 5 20 March 18 Cultural Event 8 p m Pavilion Writers Present 4 p m Harbor Club March 9 10 Stan Hendricks Jazz 7 30 p m Pavilion Art Show 1 p m Pavilion Harbor Club March 11 March 20 Kayak and Canoe Club 4 p m Harbor Club Art Show 11 a m Pavilion Harbor Club March 22 March 12 26 March 23 Pelican Programs 8 p m Pavilion March 13 Planning Committee Space Odyssey 7 p m Pavilion MARCH 2019 All the news that fits Ethnic Dance 5 p m Pavilion Folk Music Sing along 7 30 p m Harbor Club March 24 Photo Exhibit Rec 5 p m Harbor Club Opens March 9 1 p m By Laurie Kassman The doors will open on Saturday March 9 at 1 p m for another spectacular exhibit of Pelican Cove talent paintings sculptures fiber arts photographs jewelry ceramics and much more This year the Art Show will feature a raffle of works donated by Pelican Cove artists A special thank you to all for their generosity Raffle items include Dreaming an orange alabaster sculpture by AJ Kron Bermuda Waters a giclee of watercolor by Stuart Cantor Cockatoo a photo illustration by Michel Tcherevkoff A Family a framed art quilt by Judy Black Cat s Eyes a beaded necklace by Louise Rivera Stately a porcelain vase by Joan Libby Hawk and Wind in the Palms a photograph by Arlene Bluestein Raffle tickets will be on sale in the foyer of the Pavilion 5 for one ticket 10 for three The raffle artworks will be on view at the stage area with a box in front of each work to deposit your purchased ticket s The more tickets you buy the better your chances of winning The drawing takes place at 1 30 p m on Monday so remember to hold on to your ticket For participating artists the intake of artworks is Friday from 10 a m to noon only Social Club 5 30 p m Pavilion To the Editor 2 Manager s Report 5 Coffee Programs 9 President s Post 3 Yacht Club 7 Classifieds 16

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MARCH 2019 2 PC NEWS APRIL ISSUE DEADLINES Articles FRIDAY MARCH 15 Advertising WEDNESDAY MARCH 20 Editorial Staff Editor Melissa Starr Wenig Copy Editor Judy Katz Features Editor Donna Anderson Dear Friends It has been my pleasure and fun to be the editor of the Pelican Cove News for the past few years It has allowed me to draw on my publications background and to bring my creativity to the News Now it feels like the right time for me to turn this work over to someone else I will not be continuing past the June issue but will be happy to be a consultant to the new editor I encourage you to consider taking on this volunteer opportunity You will get to work with some wonderful people get a chance to see what is coming up before anyone else a perk put your own creativity and touches on the newsletter and use your talent for good My experience is that this is a job that receives much appreciation and will help you learn about PC in a new way The main requirements as editor is to be a good organizer communicate with people who submit to the PC News gather and edit their submissions be able to work in a condensed period of time intensely for about 5 10 days be computer literate have a desire to add your voice and creativity to the PC News and work with your team Having publications or editorial work in your background will make your job easier Board President Brian Baxter You will have an excellent team Judy Katz is a fabulous copy editor Linda Ritt Leny Cohen and Nancy Arnzen are proofers and all of them have been doing this for years And most important if you desire you will be able to have the help and guidance of Leslie Walter without whom the PC News could not happen Leslie has been a dedicated and wonderful partner and I will miss working with her She truly is the best The Pelican Cove News is published periodically by the Board of Directors of the Pelican Cove Condominium Association primarily to keep association members informed on matters bearing on their use and enjoyment of their Pelican Cove property To the Editor Proof Readers Nancy Arnzen Leny Cohen Linda Ritt Production Leslie Walter Members of the association are invited to suggest items for publication Deadline for advertising is the 20th of each month The Pelican Cove News is published monthly except for the summer when it is published bimonthly The address for the News is Pelican Cove News 1615 Pelican Point Drive Sarasota FL 34231 6721 941 966 5674 Editorial and Article email pcnewseditor icloud com Advertising email leslie pelicancovecondo com Website www pelicancovecondo com PC Office email pelicancove comcast net I have always felt recognized and thanked by this community for this work and I thank you in return Sincerely Melissa Melissa Starr Wenig HA105 Have you seen an unleashed cat in your neighborhood Recently my spouse and I have noticed a small black cat in the area behind The Wilbanks Evenings and weekends seem popular times Maybe some newer or seasonal PC residents are unaware that pets must be on a leash controlled by the owner at all times when outside and that Pelican Cove is a wildlife preserve and no hunting zone I participated in the recent well attended Bird Walk Cats hunt and kill birds According to research from The Smithsonian and US Fish and Wildlife statistically an estimated 2 4 billion birds in US and Canada are killed annually by cats Keeping cats inside at all times is encouraged The PC Office has a listing of all pets registered to owners and when a loose pet is reported they can try to identify it and call the owner A photo if possible can help with identification Of course stray cats may wander in from the Vamo neighborhood and feral cats exist but let s all do what we can to protect our birds by being aware of and following our rules and by reporting wandering cats Virginia Tashian HA216 continued on page 14 Letters to the Editor The Pelican Cove News will consider publishing letters to the Editor When requested by the Editor or President an Editorial Review Board composed of the Editor the President and three owners will judge the suitability of questionable letters or articles by majority vote Letters must be no longer than 250 words The editor may condense letters to save space while preserving the essential substance Letters must be signed and must not defame or malign individuals or groups Letters that contain errors of fact will be returned to authors for correction after which they will be considered for publication

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MARCH 2019 3 President s Post Board of Directors Committee Meetings Persistence Matters By Brian Baxter This month I want to report on three issues that tell the story of persistence showing that a continued focus on an issue can eventually result in significant progress in our community Six years ago under the leadership of Board Chair Emily Carrier our community negotiated an agreement with the Benderson Development Company related to their redevelopment of the Pelican Point Plaza across Vamo Road from our community This agreement included a commitment by Benderson to pay for and install an extension to Sarasota County s re used water supply along Vamo Road As a result Pelican Cove could irrigate the Brookhouse neighborhood with re used water from the County instead of water from the aquifer under our property This has been estimated to save our community some 100 000 on an improvement that is needed to bring us into compliance with County water regulations Over the past year Jack Stevens and I have discussed the lack of progress on this project almost weekly At one point we discovered that this project was actually de authorized by Sarasota County officials due to inaction by Benderson and its consulting engineers So we hired the private attorney who wrote the agreement that we reached six years ago with Benderson to re open this project with the County and get it back on track Jack worked directly with Benderson s consulting engineer to ensure that any and all information about Pelican Cove s irrigation system that the County needed was available to Benderson s engineers Last month Jack Michael Williams and I attended a very productive meeting with Sarasota County officials a key Benderson executive and Benderson s two consulting engineers I am pleased to report that this face to face meeting helped to resolve several misunderstandings among the parties and got this project back on the fast track If all goes well the consulting engineers will submit final responses to the County s most recent questions within a few days and the County officials have pledged to complete their review of this project within 30 days of receiving Benderson s engineer s report It is possible that this project will actually get underway in June and be completed by the end of this summer This story would not be complete without recognizing the contribution made to our community by resident John Adler who led the negotiations with Benderson on behalf of Pelican Cove John s persistence in advocating for progress on this water continued on page 14 BOD Committee meetings scheduled for the month of March Check the PC website or the Office for any changes Board Workshop Tuesday March 19 9 30 a m Harbor Club Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday March 26 9 30 a m Harbor Club Bay Water Environmental Committee Thursday March 7 9 30 a m Wilbanks Conference Room Budget Workshop Tuesday March 26 2 p m Harbor Club Building Facilities Committee Friday March 1 9 a m Wilbanks Conference Room Communications Committee Monday March 4 9 30 a m Wilbanks Conference Room Cultural Events Committee Thursday March 14 3 p m Wilbanks Ivy Room Finance Committee Thursday March 21 1 p m Wilbanks Conference Room Grounds Committee Wednesday March 13 9 a m Wilbanks Bar Room Government Neighborhood Committee Monday March 4 1 p m Wilbanks Conference Room Harbor Committee Wednesday March 6 9 a m Wilbanks Conference Room Insurance Committee Friday March 22 9 30 a m Friday March 29 9 30 a m Wilbanks Conference Room Planning Committee Thursday March 21 9 30 a m Wilbanks Ivy Room Rules Committee Monday March 18 9 30 a m Wilbanks Ivy Room

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4 Board Business A resolution was passed approving the engineer s drawing for the new Bayhouse Point Kayak launch This will allow the permitting process to begin and management to launch a bidding process for building the launch An owners request for a material alteration for a wood deck behind HA150 was approved This deck will comply with County code The railing will be moved 12 and new stairs installed all at the owner s expense An AFE for 92 507 was approved to hire an outside contractor to rebuild 11 ground level decks so the carpenter crew can get caught up on work and continue with projects around the Cove The AFE includes money for labor wear decking materials and the permits A resolution passed regarding a contract for 10 000 annually for our general manager s company to provide permitting services for the length of the GM s employment contract A resolution to amend the Rules We Live By was withdrawn until the Rules Committee can more fully examine the proposed changes The Board approved fining a resident 200 for past harassment of neighbors as a violation of the documents Committee Doings Finance Gary Kiesler was appointed the new chair effective February 16 A letter will be sent to all committee chairs to plan for what monies might be needed for the next budget The committee reviewed policies regarding bills vouchers contracts and legal action and capitalization and sent them for Board review Buildings and Facilities A plan to insure proper lighting for PC will be implemented by management The total expenditure was less than 1 000 and did not need Board approval Hazardous waste day is Tuesday March 12 in front of Harbor Club Wilbanks needs a new walk through concerning refurbishing plans before the next meeting Two estimates from vendors for solar panels for the maintenance building will be available at the next meeting New house checker protocol rules will be sent to the Rules Committee for approval Solar heat for pools will be reported on after vendors give estimates MARCH 2019 Duggan will report on road signs next month Amundson will meet with the Finance Committee to go over items for budget Step widening request by HA150 was sent to the Board after approval by B F After hours emergency procedure is still the same Call gate AC dual float switch for upper and lower units will be considered next month Pavilion and pool geothermal information will be presented next month Grounds A storyboard will be posted in the main road buffer zone identifying the plants and showing the changes to the area over time A motion was passed to call the area The Promenade The Long Range Plan for the Pelican Cove grounds has been updated and revised A motion passed to send it to the Board for approval Once approved it will be placed on the website under Grounds Committee documents Harbor Staff Liaison reported 29 open boat slips 2 on the move boat slip list 27 on the kayak wait list 30 wishing to move 5 on the small boat platform list Harbor master reported issue of speeding in harbor Management and chair spoke to the resident Since then there has been no further issues reported or observed Canoe Kayak coordinator The rack that a resident built for their own kayak has been dismantled and kayak removed Yacht Club reported that Saturday March 23 is the date for Boat Safety inspection New Bayhouse Point Launch The committee reviewed Engineer K Tignor s drawing dated January 18 2019 which received conditional approval from the County It was found to be very acceptable so a motion was recommended to the BOD Test Dockside Kayak Racks One of the two racks planned to be installed was completed at boat slip 82 on February 1 and tested with success However because of its unique location it was agreed that not every resident will have skill strength balance necessary to safely use this location so it was agreed that residents will be tested before space is formally assigned Floating Platform Storage Permit has been submitted to the County We have been told to expect a minimum of one month to process it without questions One issue according to Chance Steed at the County is the code provision that there can only be one boat per slip continued on page 15

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MARCH 2019 5 Manager s Report By Jack Stevens General Manager The wiring upgrades have been completed and Comcast has started providing the High Speed package under our bulk agreement As of March 1 Comcast is taking orders to have the new equipment that goes along with this service picked up delivered or installed and will hold four separate events scheduled for March 4 5 6 and 12 at which Comcast representatives will be on site to assist residents in setting up their accounts and signing up for the new equipment that goes along with the upgrade to the High Definition package You can pick up or have equipment delivered and install it yourself or arrange to have it installed by a Comcast technician Our Bulk Agreement includes a 90 day window for free installation for those who desire or need this service Between March 1 and May 31 installations of the two high definition receivers are free of charge Beginning June 1 there will be a service fee to have the equipment installed so please do not hesitate to set up your accounts It was great to see everyone at the annual meeting and picnic In my report at the meeting I touched very briefly on the dedication and longevity of our staff I did not go into detail with specific numbers at that time but thought it might be interesting to share here We currently have 38 employees Two of those Quang and Amy have been at Pelican Cove over 30 years Abraham is in his 27th year over half have been with us for more than 5 years and the combined total years of employment exceeds 315 We continue to improve and train our staff to add to the strength of all this experience A couple examples of the benefits of striving for more professionalism is a grounds staff that is constantly improving their techniques and a carpentry crew consistently and quickly delivering quality finished projects continued on page 13 Pelican Cove 2019 Space Odyssey or How Can We Best Use Our Space Wednesday March 13 at 7 p m at the Pavilion By the Planning Committee Join us for blast off as we embark on our journey into space our new frontier Everyone is invited to participate in small group brainstorming sessions on possible options to solve issues related to space for the needs identified in our 2018 Pelican Cove Survey Some questions will be How can we better utilize our indoor and outdoor space for informal social interactions throughout the year What space issues do we have regarding our entertainment exercise and educational events and how can they be resolved Got ideas Please join us to share them Help us to think creatively about challenges and relationships between space furniture and related setups staffing scheduling and peak season activity and demands The sky is the limit Light refreshments will be served Office Notes Checklist Before Leaving on t forget to follow the 2019 Checklist Before Leaving for D the Season when closing up your unit for the summer You will find one in this issue of the PC News You can also pick one up at the PC Office or download one on our website at pelicancovecondo com under Documents Contact Information Changes otify the PC Office when you are leaving for the summer N of any changes in your contact information house checker contractors and guests or your mailing address This will ensure you receive any important notices and the PC News House Checkers Comcast Equipment Signup Comcast representatives will be on site to assist residents with account setup and receiving equipment MONDAY MARCH 4 AT 3 PM TUESDAY MARCH 5 AT 11 AM WEDNESDAY MARCH 6 AT 3 PM TUESDAY MARCH 12 AT 1 PM All in Pelican Pavilion I t is important that owners do their best to protect their property and that of their neighbors by turning the water OFF to the unit and hiring a house checker to perform BI WEEKLY inspections while away from Pelican Cove House checker checklist enclosed in this issue The longer a leak goes unreported the more damage there is to a unit If you don t know where the water shut off is for your unit simply complete a work request a few days before you are scheduled to leave and a staff member will stop by to show you

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MARCH 2019 6 EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR Name Peggy Sengers Name Leslie Walter Position Lead Customer Service Position Administrator Employed Since September 9 2015 Hometown Grosse Pointe MI Favorite Things about Peggy Sengers Pelican Cove Most definitely the residents the beautiful surroundings and of course my co workers Another wonderful part of the Cove I enjoy is the varied pet population General Manager Comments Peggy maintains a positive attitude in a position that can become overwhelming at times She cheerfully accepted many added responsibilities at the front desk and trained two new employees while completing more work herself s n o i t a l u t a r Cong Runner Up Jeff Rousch Household Chemical Collection Tuesday March 12 9 11 a m Harbor Club Parking Lot By Bruce Fox Building Facilities Committee Bring the household chemicals you want to get rid of to the PC community event sponsored by the association This event is for Pelican Cove residents Proof of residency may be requested before the County accepts any waste Only residential generated waste is acceptable Waste generated by businesses and other organizations will not be accepted but those entities can receive disposal information by contacting Brian Mangum at 941 735 6430 Sarasota County reserves the right to limit the amount of waste accepted at any collection event Types of items accepted Aerosol Cans Paint Thinner and Solvents Automotive Products Adhesives and Glues Paint Cleaners Fertilizers Weed Killer Insect Killer Mercury Household Fire Extinguishers Propane Cylinders HBO size only Small Rechargeable Batteries Fluorescent Bulbs Employed Since March 30 2011 Hometown Woonsocket RI Favorite Things about Pelican Cove Pelican Jack Leslie and Edwin Cove is a beautiful place to come to every day I enjoy working with the fantastic staff and meeting the thoughtful residents who travel from all over the world to this unique place General Manager Comments Leslie is trusted to handle many tasks that are critical to the operation of the association Highlighting some of the tasks she is responsible for she is the backbone of the PC News handles violations coordinates and provides schedules for the numerous events and meetings held throughout the year maintains our documents interacts with committees and processes all of the leases for boats and kayaks On top of being one of the hardest working members of our staff she also provides support that allows us all to do a better job Runner Up Edwin Robinson Motor Oil Oil Filters Vehicle Batteries and Electronics No TV s or Monitors Items we will not be accepting at this event Needles or Syringes Ammunition Fireworks Flares Radioactive Materials Empty Containers 5 gallons Tires or Medications Checklist Before Leaving House Checker List See INSERT in this issue

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MARCH 2019 7 Pelican Cove residents who have a power boat sail boat kayak or canoe are invited to join the Pelican Cove Yacht Club For more information or a membership application contact Den McCrumb dennis mccrumb wmich edu or 269 506 3775 The Maloneys and the Olsens collaborate on the nautical trivia contest Pelican Cove Yacht Club By Den McCrumb Commodore Members of the PC Yacht Club enjoyed a raft up in January as well as a Wine Tasting Regatta in February The raft up was held across the Intracoastal from Pelican Cove with eight boats participating in a sunset happy hour The Wine Tasting Regatta was sold out Den McCrumb Marc Rose Garth Henning and Don Murray served as the wine stewards The March event will be at the beautiful Sarasota Yacht Club Members and their guest are invited to a buffet lunch overlooking the SYC marina on Friday March 15 starting at 11 30 a m for cocktails Invitations and information will be sent to members Four of these eight singers will come to PC Sarasota Opera Studio Players Take the Stage Wednesday March 20 8 p m Pavilion By Rhonda Liss The Pelican Cove Cultural Events Committee is pleased to present the Sarasota Opera Studio Players in a program of opera arias and ensembles from the beloved operatic repertoire This season there are 10 Sarasota Opera Studio Artists who hail from all over the world Four of them will be performing here Although we won t know who the four will be until a week before the concert we do know that these singers are extraordinarily well prepared emerging artists all graduates of some of the most prestigious music conservatories around the world They have already debuted in many regional opera theaters in the United States as well as in many festivals such as the Hawaii Performing Arts Festival and Miami Music Festival During the Sarasota Opera season they understudy the principal roles and perform supporting roles Studio Artists are often called upon to substitute for an ill or injured principal sometimes with little notice Dick Parins Kris Parins Jerry Clancy and Sally Billington sample the red wines The PCYC is also sponsoring boat safety checks on Saturday March 23 Contact Jerry Clancy 941 544 1094 for a time slot for your boat to be inspected and approved Our last event in March will be a raft up to watch the sailing races Many of our Yacht Club members belong to the Siesta Key Sailing Club and once per month they have several days of sail racing in the Intracoastal This will be a fun event and everyone who has a boat is encouraged to raft up and support our PC sailors The actual date and time will be announced after checking the weather It is not uncommon for Studio Artists program participants to return to the Sarasota Opera as principal artists and some have gone on to perform with many other national and international companies including La Scala and the Met These young artists are always a joy to hear and their programs are designed not only to delight with familiar pieces but also to present wonderful works that may be new to you So put the date in your calendars a gardenia in your hair and look forward to a wonderful evening of opera Tickets will be distributed from 1 3 p m on the day of the concert in the Pavilion lobby and after 7 p m for the 8 p m performance Doors open at 7 30 p m

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MARCH 2019 8 Payadora plays the tango like it s meant to be sultry steamy but with grace and precision You will be entertained Howard Druckman Editor Words and Music magazine Tickets will be distributed in the Pavilion lobby between 1 and 3 p m and after 7 p m for the 8 p m performance Doors open at 7 30 p m Attendees are encouraged to pick up their tickets early to avoid the crush at performance time Suggested ticket donation 7 Joseph Philips Drew Jurecka Rebekah Wolkstein and Robert Horvath Cultural Events presents Payadora Tango Ensemble Tuesday March 5 8 p m Pavilion By Elizabeth Borsodi Our most unusual concert of the season will be the Payadora Tango Ensemble coming to us from Toronto Canada The group is comprised of Rebekah Wolkstein violin Drew Jurecka bandonean and violin Robert Horvath piano and Joseph Philips double bass Each musician is a star soloist in their own right Playing together has allowed them to develop and mature turning Payadora into a superstar group The Whole Note Founded in 2013 Payadora has quickly become one of Toronto s most sought after ensembles It performs an expansive repertoire of original compositions and their own arrangements of Argentinean folk music and tango They draw from the height of Buenos Aires tango tradition including compositions by De Caro Pugliese Troilo and Salgan to the masterful contemporary sounds of Astor Piazzolla and beyond Drawing from eclectic backgrounds in classical jazz latin Eastern European folk music and improvisation Payadora s performances exude technical virtuosity playful spontaneity and rhythmic vitality It was difficult to tell who was having more fun the audience or the performers Ontario Arts Review Highlights from Payadora s past performances include sold out shows at the Ottawa Chamberfest Indian River Music Festival in PEI the Toronto Music Festival the TD Toronto Jazz Festival and for the Canadian Opera Company s World Music Series at the Four Seasons Centre Payadora has been featured with the London Symphonia Cathedral Bluffs Symphony and the Hannaford Street Silver Band Upcoming concerts include performances at the Stratford Summer Music Festival and Vancouver Island Music Festival Social Club s Mardi Gras celebration Pelican Cove Social Club By Lea Buschgans On Sunday February 24 at 5 30 p m the Pelican Cove Social Club celebrated Mardi Gras Annette Zaffiro s committee did not disappoint Attendees were arrayed in the colors of Carnival purple green and gold and of course plenty of beads The masks were fun and entertaining While guests indulged in an abundant assortment of hors d oeuvres our favorite Sheryn Deis and her friend John provided great music for dancing Please mark your calendars for Sunday March 24 for the Pelican Cove Annual Square Dance Get your jeans and western attire ready as Red Bates will get everyone up on the floor and do si do ing within minutes The plan is to have a country style down home menu for your enjoyment Volunteers please contact Lea at 410 703 8702 Teach at Pelican Cove University Pelican Cove University will soon begin planning its 2020 schedule and is looking for new instructors in all fields the arts and humanities social and behavior science or science We ask that instructors have some teaching experience If you have a field of expertise that you would like to share or have an interest that you wish to expand and communicate to residents of the Cove please contact Laura Shulman at lauragshulman gmail com Susan Feltus at sfeltus comcast net or Ron Berger at rberger004 gmail com We would be glad to assist you in developing a course for Pelican Cove University

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MARCH 2019 March Coffee Programs We are the World A Focus on Global Connections with Lois Kastner Thursday March 14 Learn firsthand about the International Military Officers program sponsored by the State Department which invites officers from around the world to spend a year studying with US Military officers in advanced officer training and education connecting the world one click at a time Lois a PC resident was featured in the February news Learn more about her life and work as a good will ambassador and join us on the 14th to hear her in person Save the Manatees Cora Berchem speaker Thursday March 28 Learn what is being done to preserve Florida s beloved sea cows Berchem Manatee Research and Multimedia Specialist oversees the webcams and does video production for Save the Manatees Cora worked in film and television in Save the Manatees New York City before becoming involved with manatees in 2013 when she made a documentary about endangered manatees titled Before It s Too Late Cora assists with manatee research rescues and releases at Blue Spring State Park and oversees the Manatee Observer Volunteer Program which prevents manatee harassment Note Dear PC residents and staff As of April 2019 I will be retiring as chair of the Pelican Cove Coffee Programs It s been a great gig and I ve enjoyed getting to meet people from the Cove and all over the state who have graced our stage with their programs I ve been blessed with a great committee of volunteers to work with and an audience that s gracious and always appreciative of the programs If you are interested in taking over as chair please leave your name and a brief bio in the Coffee Programs box in the office Members of the Coffee Program committee will be in touch with you I m making this decision early in the year so that the next chairperson if they choose can learn the ropes with me the rest of the season and have help with next year s schedule Cheers Janet Hasselbring 9 Coffee Program Presents Troy Nichols and the NexxLevel Duo Monday March 25 7 p m Pavilion Troy Nichols wowed us with his presence and musical talent as part of a recent Coffee Program Newtown Alive He returns with members of his band NexxLevel Florida s premier high energy dance band Along with R and B favorites from the 50 s Troy Nichols to the present Troy will perform music of Motown greats The Temptations and Stevie Wonder music of Otis Redding Billy Preston Bill Withers Prince Michael Jackson and many favorite soul and funk artists Pavilion doors open at 6 15 Suggested donation 5 at the door Don t miss it Daylight Savings Time Begins Sunday March 10 Don t forget to turn your clocks forward 1 hour MOVIE NIGHT By Earl Kaplan Two movie night this month Sunday March 3 and Sunday March 17 at 7 p m at the Pelican Pavilion For more information visit the PC website at www pelicancovecondo com Movie Nights are open to all residents and are sponsored by the PC Social Club

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MARCH 2019 10 Stan Hendricks Jazz Concert Series Thursday Night Jazz Special Events The Right Stuff Quintet Sponsored by Charles Rosenblum and the PC Jazz Combo Monday March 18 7 30 p m Thursday March 28 at 7 30 p m Pavilion By Wanda Darlington Jazz in Memory of Sy Karpen Complimentary wine and cheese The Right Stuff Quintet will be on our stage for the final concert of this season Led by drummer Ron Ron Cangro Cangro this Orlando based group will play classic and modern jazz and upbeat blues Latin funk and pop songs along with originals of their own from their latest CD Orlando Fandango Musicians include Jarvis Davis on the keyboard Gerald Stockton on bass guitar Doug Spoonamore on saxophone and featured lead vocalist Suzy Park Howlin Bob and PC Jazz Combo Ms Park is a dynamic vocalist whose range and versatility keep her in high demand She began her career in Atlanta and moved to Orlando to join Disney s Voice of Liberty She has performed at numerous jazz clubs and festivals at Carnegie Hall with Salsa artist Tito Nieves and at the Hampton Jazz festival where Suzy Park she opened for Dave Sanborn She has been a featured vocalist with the Orlando Pops Orchestra the Naples Philharmonic and the Benny Goodman Orchestra By Felice Perlmutter and Linda Wolf Come on out for just the right stuff for our Pelican Cove fans A donation of 5 per person is requested Tickets will be available Monday March 18 from 10 a m to noon and at the door in the evening Spring Budget Workshop Tuesday March 26 2 p m in the Harbor Club This meeting is for any committee group club or unit owner who would like to present proposed items for the 2020 Budget Instructions for presenting a proposal are available in the office Thursday March 21 at 7 30 p m Pavilion Once again the Howlin Bob Band will be back for a Thursday night Classic Rock Blues and Soul program for our young at heart listeners and dancers Put on your rockin shoes for a night of fun enjoying music of the 50s 60s and 70s A 5 per person donation is requested at the door Pelican Programs Presents Transcendent Beauty Images of Mozart with Jeremy Yudkin Tuesday March 12 8 p m Pavilion Pelican Cove resident Jeremy Yudkin professor of Music at Boston University and pre concert lecturer for the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Tanglewood will present a program entitled Transcendent Beauty Images of Mozart on Tuesday March 12 His annual talks are vastly informative and entertaining Yudkin will show us the real Mozart focusing on the known facts of his life and the inimitable transcendent beauty of his music in contrast to the film Amadeus which portrayed the composer as a counter cultural misfit The History of Fake News Tuesday March 26 8 p m Pavilion Herald Tribune Editor Matt Sauer will take us on a journey that includes the first vestiges of what is now being called fake news Buckminster Bucky Fuller the noted American designer and inventor called it the Knowledge Doubling Curve The sum total of human knowledge is rising at a geometric pace and it leaves some users wondering how we can possibly keep up We take a look at the roots of the Information Age all the way back to our earlier ancestors and through the formation of the United States Tickets are available on the day of performance from 4 5 p m and at 7 30 p m Doors open at 7 30 p m and the performance begins at 8 p m

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MARCH 2019 11 kitchens and three plus baths They spent many a weekend on highways and back roads finding the beautiful antiques that filled all 17 rooms They supplemented Maria s art with art they collected The farm house once owned by L Frank Baum s grandparents and in which the Doans implied Baum might have been conceived gleamed with modern convenience yet evoked a romantic history The bed and breakfast was a popular vacation spot wedding venue and often a site for concerts and community gatherings Kyle and Maria Doan at home Meet Your Neighbors Kyle and Maria Doan By Donna Anderson Dr Kyle Doan Doctor of Chiropractic and his wife Maria bought a two bedroom Harborhouse condo three years ago and moved into Pelican Cove as year round residents The transition had every chance of failing They left much behind in central New York a successful medical practice a 4 800 square foot farm house lovingly restored numerous paintings and carefully chosen antiques and the celebrity of owning an historic property The Stanton House Bed and Breakfast a stop on the Oz Tour Moreover they bought their home here sight unseen Instead of down sizing regrets however the Doans must be considered Pelican Cove ambassadors They love their space with harbor and sunset views their new neighbors and friends their involvement in the community Maria has reinvented her design career consulting on kitchen and bath re dos as well as professional decluttering and organization She plans to once again take up brush and palette hoping to exhibit earlier work in this season s Art Show Kyle has a booming new practice five minutes away at which Maria serves as receptionist As of this publication he has won his second term on the Board They feel no remorse Not every relocation in their history together has been so smooth A 2012 article on Syracuse com reports that Kyle talked Maria into leaving both their Long Island home and her profession by purchasing a 102 acre dairy farm a hobby for her The reality was very different They found 55 of the 77 windows broken a reflection of the neglect they soon uncovered Maria said There were huge holes in the floor no electricity no heat and no water My mother came up and said to my husband I m packing her bags she s leaving The renovation took years living in just one room at first then two and so on Pictures of the welcoming accommodations are available online giving testament to all they accomplished Kyle reports that they took on this Green Acres thing with zeal They addressed every detail one step at a time refinishing wood floors reglazing windows updating two The Doans eye for beauty and good living remains To furnish their condo they haunted local and remote consignment stores They stalked estate sales They brought a few cherished pieces from the Syracuse surround to Vamo Road The result is a Florida friendly roomscape throughout smart and comfortable a lovely home Though Kyle had an early bit of square footage angst Maria never looked back Their one great sadness is the loss of one of their two Cavalier King Charles spaniels last year Unexpectedly their remaining puppy adjusted to an elevated status their sole object of affection Bella is a beautiful dog Early during that first year Kyle attended a board meeting No sooner had it adjourned than Gary Gulden introduced himself Coincidentally Kyle s name appeared on the next ballot a good fit given his experience I ve been on a bunch of boards been president of Rotary president of Chamber of Commerce and have always been committed to community I enjoy it immensely Soon after his election Kyle was named vice president a position he hopes to continue Kyle sees a few things that could improve the quality of life here in the Cove Additional kayak storage is always needed Venue space can be an issue for some of our events but it s a good problem to have New summer offerings begun under the Rounders vision give our community a yearround appeal Moreover people submit the odd suggestion or proposal Kyle says I personally think the thing we need to do is build another hot tub This suggestion will show up on the next community survey Generally however he s the guy who wants to keep condo fees down We re not overly proactive and I think that s a good thing This is a really unique place The fact that we have all these great reserves implies good management Other communities are fiscally a mess Not here There are many lessons to be learned from our 50 something neighbors we can downsize from a 5 000 square foot abode and enjoy a two bedroom flat we can recreate our lives in the right place we can find meaningful relationships at every age Kyle s vanity plate reads Dr Doan and is framed with the words I ve Got Your Back Think of it as a double entendre because these ambassadors will encourage others bringing new talent and character to our beautiful neighborhood Maria says We love it We ve found our niche here This is it

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MARCH 2019 12 PC Writers Present The Curious Incident of Krowws Baaas and Other Things that go Bump in the Night Pelican Cove s Old Timey String Band March Folk Music Offerings By Joel Leonard Your Folk Music Club has had three successful singalongs this season as well as a folk jam session and a folk variety show This showcased the amazing talent our residents and some of their guests have Our full range of activities will continue in March The Russians are Coming Friday March 1 Pavilion 7 30 p m Special Folk Recital not on the original calendar featuring two Russian musicians from New York one of whom is an astounding balalaika virtuoso They will play popular Russian pieces Gypsy Eastern European and other international selections as well as classical works Not to be missed St Patrick s Folk Jam Tuesday March 19 Pavilion 7 30 p m We will gather our local talented musicians as well as some from the nearby Irish pub and have our first Irish session Other music is welcome of course Last Sing along Saturday March 23 Harbor Club 7 30 p m This will be the last sing along of the season This is your chance to exercise your vocal chords in harmony with one another led by the Pelican Cove Old Timey String Band see photo above now 16 in number Put it on your calendar Rehearsals for the Sing along will take place in the Harbor Club on March 1 2 p m 15 1 p m and 22 2 p m FMI call Joel Leonard at 941 882 3093 IN MEMORIAM We mourn the passing of Name John Vandegriff Unit BR137 On Date January 29 We extend our sincerest sympathy to their family and friends Monday March 18 4 p m Harbor Club This mystery will be unraveled when the PC Writers Group unveils their latest works After the authors introduce their work residents will have an opportunity to peruse their books and chat with them Books will be available for purchase signing Authors participating in the program include Vicki Meyer whose series of books tell the story of Kayla a fourth grader who is way behind in her math and her tutor Ms Gibbs who helps her catch up by incorporating math into everyday life situations award winning author Louise Titchener who presents her Oliver Redcastle historical mysteries including Trouble in Tampa set in this area Freda S Warrington whose collection of stories and essays comprise her Listen to the Light series Stories of Interruptions Intersections and Insights Book 1 and the Daughter s a Farmer book 2 and Janet Hasselbring who shares her latest book in the Tales from Pelican Cove series stories featuring the wild shorebirds of FL and beyond Can We Nest Here Book 7 a story of acceptance and belonging features the limpkins and is based on the work of research professor Brene Brown and her work on vulnerability shame and belonging

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MARCH 2019 13 Rounders Activities Resume in April Tennis Club Court Talk Ongoing Activities By Rich Farkas Monday Morning Coffee foolishly starts on April 1 8 30 10 30 a m Wilbanks Thursday afternoon Round Robin mixer has been reinstalled by request from 3 30 to 5 p m at the Pavilion Other activities will be announced in the April issue of the PC News Tennis Club Mixer Special Events We will be playing under the lights All beverages will be provided Bring an appetizer to share How Rock and Roll Has Changed Race Relations Doubles teams will be set up by random draw No scoring Cheering and heckling are permitted and highly recommended Guests 5 Renesito Returns Mixed Doubles Radio D J Dave presents With David Milberg April 2 7 p m Pavilion April 15 7 p m Pavilion Friday March 1 5 30 p m at Harbor Courts Saturday March 16 4 p m at Harbor Courts Cuban musician Renesito Avich returns to Pelican Cove Mark your calendars Mixed doubles teams will be set up by random draw The team with the most wins wins the top prize all the used balls Teachers Artists Wanted for Off Season School Annual End of Winter Season Party If you have an interest and haven t told me yet in offering a class or program of any kind from baking to music to play reading to art experiences please contact me at melisjoel mac com Do You Have the Need to Weed For those who miss gardening which is a fancy name for pulling weeds a new social club has been formed It is a Weed Pulling Group that is still looking for the right name and the right time and place to meet We tried Weed Corps but that got misspelled as Weed Core We tried pulling on Monday or Friday mornings but once PCU is in session most people are too busy to pull weeds We ll try it next year on Saturday mornings or afternoons This is strictly a volunteer effort to help the PC staff keep up with the never ending job of weed control without using chemicals or natural plant killers But it s mostly a chance for people who feel excited or rewarded when pulling out that root with the 20 stringer or the 2 spread We have the blessings and guidance of Michael Williams PC s Grounds Supervisor He s educated us on bitter weed sedge grass morning glory and the ubiquitous crab grass We even have pictures to go by If you are interested in joining us send your email info to Cherie Kiesler clkiesler gmail com She ll announce the time and place a few days ahead of time Just send her your email to get on the mailing list Or maybe keep your eyes open for a Weed Pullers Message Board on the new PC website next year Friday March 29 5 p m at the Harbor Gazebo All beverages and the main dish will be provided Bring a side dish or dessert Guests 5 RSVP on the list in the Tennis Club mailbox in the PC office Tennis Club Annual membership is 10 Applications are in the Tennis Club mailbox in the PC office You can put in cash or checks made out to Cash Tennis Club Meetings are the second Tuesday of the month at 12 p m at Willbanks Join in on the planning and the fun Manager s Report from page 5 Even with our talented staff when the scale of the project exceeds the time we can dedicate or equipment we possess outside vendors are needed The property wide large scale tree pruning which is wrapping up now is one of those projects This resulted in over 1 000 compacted cubic yards of branches and limbs being removed from the property Having this completed prior to the start of the growing season not only improved the health of our canopy but will reduce some of the debris that falls on our roofs and roads over the next couple months Another project requiring an outside vendor is rebuilding 11 wood decks around the property We have contracted the labor to remove and rebuild these decks in order to allow our carpenters to continue working in other areas of the property To control costs the materials and permitting required for this work are being handled in house Applications have been made to Sarasota County and we expect permits to be issued and this work to start near the middle of March

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MARCH 2019 14 President s Post from page 3 To the Editor from page 2 re use project has certainly motivated me to stay on top of this issue on a regular basis over the past year Carpenters Mike John Jake Justin To the Editor Many thanks to Pelican Cove s professional carpenters for the outstanding restoration of 1709 Clower Creek Drive units BR106 and BR206 So often we see this crew with their carts of lumber ladders tools etc during a long job that kept presenting new challenges I ve come to know them by first names Mike John Jake and Justin Thanks guys for your professional work and attitude I know I can speak on behalf of the owners of BR106 Jose Buscaglia and Maria Pesquera and this happy owner Karol Ames BR206 To the Editor I m sure most of the residents here have noticed how dark the roads are and how dangerous it is to walk or ride bicycles at night My hope for everyone s safety is that people will wear something white or reflective and or carry a flashlight while enjoying our beautiful nights Another wish I have is that when walking please face oncoming traffic The newer cars are so quiet many people don t hear vehicles that are close behind them Thank you for your cooperation and safety Julia Atlas GR122 Sunday March 17 About a year ago our consulting marine engineer recommended constructing a kayak launch at the fishing pier gazebo on Pelican Cove mainly because the County had already issued a permit for boat access at this point When it became clear that our community would not support this site for kayak launch or for kayak storage in the Sanctuary adjacent to the fishing pier the Harbor Committee went back to the drawing board and began the hard work of researching viable alternatives for a safe and convenient kayak access facility at the southern end of our property to serve the kayaks stored along Bayhouse Point Drive A year later we have received informal approval from Sarasota County officials for the construction of an EZLaunch at the end of a walkway over the mangroves 25 feet north of our southern property line At its February meeting the Board approved the recommendation of the Harbor Committee for this kayak launch facility authorizing our marine consulting engineer to apply for formal approval of the necessary permits from federal state and county officials Once we receive our permit the Board will need to approve an Authorization For Expenditure AFE for this project Without the persistent leadership of the Harbor Committee and our management over the past year and the fortunate intervention of a senior County official who happened to be very familiar with the channel at the end of our proposed launch facility this project would never have come to fruition I want to thank Dee Tashian David Showalter and Jack Stevens for not giving up on their vision for this project Finally I want to report on the Board s response to the extremely challenging human story of a 94 year old resident who has harassed several fellow residents of Pelican Cove over the past year While it can be argued that no major property damage has resulted from her letting air out of the tires of several vehicles or pouring motor oil on my neighbor s white car or calling the sheriff to complain that her neighbor had attempted to invade her unit it is clear that no one should have to live in fear of becoming a victim of this owner s next outburst Some residents have argued that anyone who drives out of Pelican Cove unaware that they are driving on tires with an unsafe air pressure is at significant risk of harm from an accident Since the behavior of this owner violates clear language in our Declaration our general manager took appropriate steps under our rules enforcement procedures to bring this matter to the Board After much deliberation including several comments from residents the Board voted unanimously at last month s meeting to fine this owner 200 for the two violations of our rules cited by our general manager in his formal notification to this owner After further consultation

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MARCH 2019 15 installed over mailboxes This will be explored and the committee will request funds for additional boards Preparation is underway for the PC 40th Anniversary celebration with our attorney additional action may be taken by our management relating to additional rules violations by this owner over the past year which may result in further Board action at its meeting later this month At the same time recognizing the complexity of this situation a meeting was held with a Deputy from the Sarasota County Sheriff s Crime Prevention Unit at which some of the victims of this situation along with a few Board members and two owners with experience in mental health law were able to brainstorm possible resolutions This is not an easy issue for any community but the time has come after a year of hoping that this issue would resolve itself for the Board to deal with this unfortunate but serious challenge to the peace of our community Committee Doings from page 4 Lighting Improvement The lighting project is once again on hold New Business There was discussion about the need for cameras around the harbor and the committee was made aware that cameras will be in the Reserve Study and the topic was tabled until the next meeting A couple of special projects to consider presenting at the 2020 Budget Workshop on Tuesday March 26 included new kayak storage on land The committee agreed to explore the feasibility of going down this path and the topic was tabled until the next meeting Government and Neighborhood Relations Rules A motion was passed to submit a proposed change to the Rules requiring that hot water heaters be replaced after the greater of 10 years or the manufacturer s stated useful life Planning The blueprints for the Wilbanks have been completed by Andy Marine for the roundtable discussion on space March 13 The March 14 meeting has been moved to March 21 so the results of the roundtable discussion can be compiled prior to the meeting Discussion ensued around marketing the event with a PC News article and flyers Cultural Events Finances remain relatively steady through the year and continue to be well balanced with some nominal gains made from the 2018 19 season The Committee members discussed event assignments for the next concert The committee would like to keep the assignments consistent for the time being The Committee started to schedule acts for the 2019 20 season The chairman provided a list of potential performers for scheduled dates Members were assigned to liaison with neighborhood organizations government entities and media tracking History of the committee was reviewed and emerging issues were identified Communications There is a need for more participation on the website survey Website must be up and running by the end of March More effort is needed to get people to sign up for electronic voting Funding is available to replace five notice boards There was discussion about finding ways to get boards NEWCOMER Calvin Anne Sollecito Fuller Samuel Okoshken Philip Lucy Sandler John Carrie Wadas Tom Warmbold 941 321 8672 cell 24 hour emergency service New Owners UNIT GR239 GR243 HA263 BR103 FROM CITY STATE COUNTRY Boone NC 28607 Sarasota FL 34231 Brookline MA 02445 Northport MI 49670

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16 CLASSIFIEDS MARCH 2019 CARL S HOME TENDING When considering a house checker you should consider experience reliability honestly and affordability Many years of experience covering Pelican Cove and Sarasota County Call or email for a free quote Carl 941 928 1783 or carlcollica reagan com THE COVE S HANDYMAN Bob Kellar 941 966 1310 Full unit paint jobs Carpentry minor electrical and plumbing window cleaning wallpaper removal faucets disposals and any misc repairs 15 year Cove resident Ref available Call 941 966 1310 or bobkellar verizon net Are your electrical panels in need of replacement Call Mike your PC electrician for the past 9 years for a FREE evaluation and estimate Group rates available Go with someone you know and can trust I will meet any competitors written estimate 941 518 2833 HOUSE CHECKING Get Peace of Mind while you are away I m Corinne Bates your Glenhouse neighbor I welcome the opportunity to keep your nest safe this summer while you are away Give me a call to discuss 941 525 3871 ELECTRICIAN We l sell your condo in 90 days or we don t t a ke a commi s si o n HOUSE CHECKING BY KATHY S KLEANING Is your house in capable hands while you are away With over 25 years of experience I go the extra mile to put your mind at ease Many clients in PC References available Contact Kathy at 941 915 3063 or email kjkleans gmail com You can find the Market Value of yourtake homeafocommission r FREE at or we don t We ll sell your condo inMY90WEBSITE days VISIT We ll sell your condo in 90 days We ll your condo in 90 days or we don tWWW PELICANCOVECONDOSALES COM take asell commission or we don t take a commission REAL ESTATE FOR SALE You can find theYou Market Value can find the Market Value of your home You forofFREE atthefor can Market yourfind home FREEValue at www PelicanCoveHomeValues com of your home for FREE at www PelicanCoveHomeValues com www PelicanCoveHomeValues com Location Location Location One of the premier condos at the cove this unit has been completely renovated and offers privacy with 3 bedrooms 2 baths and views overlooking the cove and Little Sarasota Bay 1617 Bayhouse Court BA220 Furnished 616 502 8466 or 616 402 0961 www PelicanCoveHomeValues com Bob ColleenBob Gibson Colleen Gibson Bob Colleen Gibson Sales Associates Realtors Sales Associates Realtors Sales Associates We ll sellRealtors your condo in 90 days 941 961 9088 941 961 9088 or we don t take a commission 941 961 9088 Colleen Gibson Bob Colleen Gibson You can find the Market Value Sales Associate REALTOR of your home for FREE at Expect the Best www PelicanCoveHomeValues com Sales Associates Realtors Bob Colleen Gibson Pelican Cove Resident Specialist Sales Associates Realtors 941 961 9088 941 961 9088 941 961 9088 Find the Market Value of your home for FREE at www PelicanCoveCondoSales com www PelicanCoveHomeValues com www PelicanCoveCondoSales com Go to MedwayRealty com for terms and conditions www PelicanCoveCondoSales com Go to MedwayRealty com for terms and conditions Go to MedwayRealty com for terms andwww PelicanCoveCondoSales com conditions Go to MedwayRealty com for terms and conditions

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MARCH 2019 HELLO NEIGHBOR Anthony DeLuca Pelican Cove Owner I have sales over 100 million dollars just in Pelican Cove Call the P C expert 941 685 6001 Please visit www adelucarealty com properties that are for sale or visit www audreyrainrentals com properties that are for rent For Sale 1609 Bayhouse Point BA230 Second and thir d floor amazing 2 story property located in the pulse of Pelican Cove completely renovated from top to bottom have to see it to believe it ready for you now For Rent 1716 Glenhouse Dr GL423 owner wants annual lease second floor private entrance one bedroom one bath room furnished Updates kitchen appliances and furnishings Ready Jan 1st 1350 00 a For Sale 1636 Br ookhouse Dr BR232 2nd floor 2 bedr oom 2 bathroom with cathedral ceilings New kitchen and 2 new vanities in both bathrooms Condo will be sold partially finished A C is new Call for price For Sale 1620 Boathouse Cir GR104 FIRST FLOOR looking for central location this is the one 3 bedroom 3 bath Close to both Wilbanks and Harbor Club and pools Offered at 239 800 Call for more inforFor Rent Available for annual basis 1715 Pelican Cove GL339 First floor New kitchen and bathrooms 1 bedroom 1 bath unfurnished 1375 For Sale 1531 Clower Cr eek Dr HA145 First floor END UNIT 3 bedroom 3 bath WATER VIEWS Updated kitchen and bathrooms and much more Amazing location right on the point Offered at 549 800 Judy Limekiller Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate 941 374 4802 direct JudyLimekiller JudyLimekiller com Resident Realtor Pelican Cove Owner for the past 19 years 17 JANUARY 2017 14 DeLuca Realty located in the same plaza as Pub Hello Neighbor Anthony lix Target We give you the best location DeLuca exDe Pu posure handling the sale rental of your pr oper ty 941 685 6001 exp Judy Limekiller For Sale 1720 Glenhouse Dr GL428 Second floor a pr Please visit www adelucarealty com properties thatw are forivate sale or visit garden view 2 bed 2 bath Renovated condominium has sophisticated www audreyrainrentals com properties that are Real for rent Coldwell Banker Residential Estate style where entertaining becomes easy this condo is a must see FOR RENT 2016 SEASON 1615 Bayhouse Court BA215 Second floor 3 941 374 4802 direct bedroom bath BrFull bay view currently renovated Now For Rent 21657 ookhouse CirCondo BR153 Fir st floor 2 bedrCall oom 2 JudyLimekiller JudyLimekiller com bath unit with a den and a fountain view This is still available for this RENTAL offseason 1621 Boathouse Cir HA221 second floor 2 season as well as off season rental Tell your friends to hurry Resident Realtor Pelican Cove Owner bedroom 2 bath Harbor View lots of natural light furnished For furn May 2015 Perfect setting easy to show Call today FOR for hou For Sale 1519 Clower Cr eekpast Dr HA152 Far Har bor Water for the 19 years Rental Furnished 1603Updated Bayhouse Point Drgranite BA210Will Bay view firstAnnual floor 2 bedroom 2 bath kitchen with view 2 story unit Three bedroom three bath Furnished Available Delivering all of your Real Estate Needs Delivering the Results be offered at 389 000 quiet outside setting Call for more inforFor Rent 1687 Br ookhouse Cir BR118 Beautiful first floor2 bed4 SALE Pelican Point First 2019 floorGor2 bed 2 room 2 bath1520 with a den Available for BA154 April December geous updates and a private courtyard Call for more information bath Full Bay View NEXT TO WILBANKS HOUSE CALL PRIVATE SHOWING ASKING 349k For Sale FOR 1702 Glenhouse Dr GL408 Second Floor 3 bedr oom 2 bath split floor plan awesome terrace off the kitchen large lanai will For Sale 1709 Pelican Cove RD GL345 First Floor End Unit be sold furnished CallCreek for your private showing 215 800 00 1503 Clower 259 List Price 425 000 One bedroom One Bath next to Glenhouse pool and steps to Pavil Currently there are 26condos for 129 800 00 saleGround and 5 pending toon close 7 conlion at For ASKING Sale One Bedroom floor the bay PENDING dos sold year to date Call me today to see how I can help available please call for details FOR RENT ANNUAL LEASE ONLY This April 1st 2015 Realty and Second Audreyfloor Rainend Rentals Inc 1680DeLuca Brookhouse CirInc BR208 unit TURNKEY Come to visit my office at Your Pelican Cove Experts pick thebath phone call form me now Furnished Updated one bedroomup one Across Brook8181pool S Tamiami Trail to right Lobby house Easy show near call meHobby today Springs When AnThe Accident or Illness Brings You Down We Woods Help You Up at Lake Pointe Skilled Nursing Therapy Physical Occupational Speech Short Long Term Care Delivering all of your Real Estate Needs Delivering the Results We ll help you gain the strength mobility and independence you want so you can return to the activities you enjoy Our skilled nursing and therapy staff provides services for 1703 Pelican Cove Rd 455 224 900 Come to visit my office at 8181 S Tamiami Trail right near Hobby Lobby 4 sa den kitc thin Orthopedic recovery Cardiopulmonary care Stroke rehabilitation Wound care Neurological conditions Dysphasia Management Come as a patient leave as a friend Friendly staff homey atmosphere beautiful setting 941 929 2700 Call or visit today 941 929 2700 3280 Lake Pointe Blvd Sarasota FL 34231 3280 Lake Pointe Blvd Sarasota FL 34231 Thi Peli 201 and FO Sec 788 vau boa De

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ART CLUB Classes workshops lectures and films Annual Membership Info Joan Libby Hawk 941 218 6452 ART STUDIO Wilbanks Art Studio by key Membership 15 yearly Info Phyllis Camesano 716 352 6163 BIKE GROUP Meets Nov Apr Organized bike rides outside of Pelican Cove Info Bernie Lofchie 781 925 4722 or blofchie gmail com LADIES WATER EXERCISE Meets every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday 10 a m Pavilion Pool Info Flo Baldwin 941 966 2744 LIBRARY Pelican Pavilion Hours 8 a m to 10 p m Books tapes DVDs games puzzles for use by all residents LINE DANCE Meets Oct Apr Thursday 3 00 p m Pavilion Info Judy Rabkin 941 451 8238 CINEMA CLUB Meets monthly Nov Apr Friday 7 30 p m Pavilion Info Jo Ubogy 203 962 3439 NIA DANCE Meets Thursday outside Wilbanks Info Odette Spitzer Freedman 416 878 7288 COFFEE PROGRAM Meets monthly Jan Mar Thursday 9 30 a m Info Janet Hasselbring 616 402 0961 NEIGHBOR TO NEIGHBOR Need help Info Janet Hemond 941 966 3553 CULINARY CLUB Make a New Recipe for our Monthly Thematic Dinners Jan Apr First Saturday each month Info Helene Crawford 941 966 3029 or Bernie Lofchie at blofchie gmail com OPEN POKER Meets Dec Apr Thursday 7 30 p m Harbor Club Info Janet Hemond 941 966 3553 DUPLICATE BRIDGE Meets Jan Mar Wednesday 7 p m Harbor Club Info Arline Neufeld at arlineneufeld168 gmail com ETHNIC DANCE Instruction on ballroom and ethnic dancing Info Vicky Geskos 617 721 3443 EXERCISE TO GO Meets Jan Mar Monday and Wednesday 9 30 a m Info Rita Breen 941 966 1485 FIBER ARTS GROUP Meets at 1 30 p m 2nd and 4th Monday each month at Wilbanks Dec Apr Info Erlinda Rejino 518 728 5129 FOLK MUSIC CLUB Meets monthly Dec Mar Harbor Club Info Joel Leonard 941 882 3093 JAZZ COMBO Meets Jan Mar Thursday 7 30 p m Pavilion Info Bobby Barnhart 941 966 1352 KAYAK AND CANOE CLUB Organized outings on the water Info Terry McCormick 518 339 2893 PARTY BRIDGE Meets every Tuesday 7 p m Wilbanks Info Warren Lappin 941 266 5513 or John Titchener 941 894 7912 PELICAN COVE UNIVERSITY Classes held at various recreational facilities Info Laura Shulman 845 338 7970 PELICAN PROGRAMS Meets monthly Jan Mar Info Felice Perlmutter 941 966 5880 or Linda Wolf 941 451 8446 PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB Meets Jan Mar Friday 9 30 a m Pavilion Members Only Labs meet Thursday 3 15 p m Wilbanks Info Susan Smith 810 730 1496 PICKLE BALL Meets Tues Thurs Sat Pavilion Courts Info Shelly Zelizer 941 966 5769 PING PONG Meets Dec Mar in Pavilion Info Penny Rubin 518 466 4445 POETRY GROUP Meets Dec May every two weeks Info Barbara Keller 317 691 3585 or Peter Bergas 941 966 3245 SCULPTURE CLUB Coordinator Doug Barton 941 918 4773 SOCIAL CLUB Membership open to all residents 15 per person per year Info Beth Duggan 941 350 6111 TAI CHI Meets Nov Apr Wednesday 1 p m Harbor Club Info Veronica Tcherevkoff 917 282 7443 TAP DANCING Meets Jan Mar Thursday 2 p m Pavilion Info Dixie Mahan 941 918 4437 TENNIS CLUB Meets Dec Apr Info Roz Kalinoski 941 966 5749 WATER AEROBICS CLASSES For men and women Monday and Thursday 3 30 p m Pavilion Pool Info Christine Piane 918 8761 WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP Meets Jan Mar Tuesday 9 a m Wilbanks Info Barbara Jost 941 966 7544 WOODWORKING Daily 8 a m to 10 p m by key 20 yearly 25 initiation fee 5 key fee Pres Mike Weber 517 899 5419 V P Jeff Fernald 941 966 8824 WRITERS GROUP Discussions and readings from published authors of Pelican Cove Info Janet Hasselbring 616 402 0961 YACHT CLUB Scheduled rendezvous 20 annually plus 10 initiation fee Info Dennis McCrumb 269 506 3775 YEAR ROUNDERS CLUB Meets off season for all kinds of activities Info Melissa Starr Wenig at pelicanrounders gmail com YOGA Meets Mon Fri 8 a m and Tues Wed Fri at 4 30 p m Chair Yoga meets Mon Wed Fri 9 30 a m Harbor Club or outside Wilbanks Info Karen Farkas 914 826 6511